L’épisode le plus récent
Burn Sh*t to The Ground & Claim Your Desire for More Money

Burn Sh*t to The Ground & Claim Your Desire for More Money

Durée : 1:26:40
Join the Magic Money Bootcamp:
If any area of your life doesn't feel like a F*** yes it gets to either be rearranged--or burnt to the ground and rebuilt ;)
Your desires, as the Queen of your life, get to be respected
You desires are not frivolous, they get to be seen and treated by you as requirements
This is true in your love life, and in your relationship to money
This episode was recorded live as a free masterclass for my email list, we honed in on the area of money and it was so incredibly powerful
I got to witness everyone shed their limiting beliefs about their self worth, their ability to make more money,
And their ability to manage it + be in COMMAND of their money (instead of out of control)
This will be incredibly empowering and uplifting. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Id. d’épisode : 1000605652415
GUID : ff7244ce-653f-4440-acc8-0828e0ad0e41
Date de publication : 24/3/2023 à 00:56:35


Inspiring driven women to live passionately and authentically, and become IRRESISTIBLY magnetic to the life and love they crave.

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