157 dans Top podcasts > Loisirs > Jeux
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Players and/or Humans

Players and/or Humans

In the Gaming Hut we wonder whether it is always bad for the players to figure out the mystery prior to the big reveal scene. A relic heist comes under scrutiny in the History Hut as beloved Patreon backer Mark D.
Durée : 1:04:23
In the Gaming Hut we wonder whether it is always bad for the players to figure out the mystery prior to the big reveal scene. A relic heist comes under scrutiny in the History Hut as beloved Patreon backer Mark D. Rinna asks why black ops crusaders raided the tomb of St. Nicholas. Installment seven […]
Id. d’épisode : 1000604617341
Date de publication : 17/3/2023 à 09:30:22


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